Frayed At The Ends
>Since burlap has become one of my favorite designer fabrics of late, I've bought several yards, several times, cut by several fabric store ladies. But recently one fabric worker performed
If you want a perfectly straight edge on your burlap, you start by snipping the end with scissors.

All Boxed Up
>Isn't it interesting how you can find yourself drawn to certain objects, but you're not exactly sure why. I am naturally drawn to all sorts of containers---things that contain other things. I like suitcases, picnic baskets, bowls, vases, regular baskets, trays, trunks, and old wooden boxes. My husband usually just rolls his eyes when he sees me migrating toward these things. But he's a patient man, and usually puts up with my quirkiness. He doesn't, however, understand why I buy old, beat up, wooden boxes. His argument is, "We can build one better than that." My reply is, "Yes, we can. But we usually don't." Plus, I think, because someone has built an item with their own two hands, it should be appreciated not just for it's looks, but for the energy that it took to create it. So occasionally, my husband loses the argument and the old, beat up wooden box comes home with me.
Well, you know what happens when you're drawn to certain items? Before you know it, you've got yourself a collection! This is my collection of old, beat up wooden boxes. Right about now you're thinking to yourself, "I think I'm on her husband's side of the argument", aren't you? But remember, my philosophy:
and a Little Creativity!
And here's the proof---

Spicy Makeover
>When I discovered this spicy orange floral fabric in the clearance pile I knew that it would look great in my family room.I pulled the perfect chair from another room in the house to give it it's inexpensive update.
I removed the seat and covered the existing foam with a fresh layer of batting for a little extra cushiness.
Then it was just a matter of cutting, pulling and stapling.
Now I have a gorgeous addition to my family room that took me only a few minutes and around two dollars to create.
I am so happy to announce that Joys of Home has officially been declared the winner of the JDR Blogger Awards in the category of interior design!!!!!
I am indebted to those of you who took the time to vote.
thank you so very much!!!
Pretties to Share
>I thought I'd share a few pretties today. The first being that pretty little "J" that you notice up there by the http://.It's called a blog icon or fav icon. It replaces the big orange square B that's next to almost every blog address. It makes my blog name stand out and be unique. I love it! Cara, the RockSTARRMom, designed it for me. Thank you Cara! She can personalize your blogicon too. Just go visit her at Your Blogicon and tell her I sent you. She'll create something wonderful for your blog and give you step-by-step instructions on how to install it. She's such a sweetie!
As you know I've been a little light on my posting lately which has given me time to catch up on things. I've been doing some yard work (finally!). Of course there's still more to do. Lots of flowers to plant and the weeding is never done.
But I wanted to share a few photos of my yard.
The roses look spectacular this year. My clematis has never had so many blooms.
I'm amazed that everything has managed to thrive even with my neglect.
I learned a lesson from my flower beds. They look great because I planted plenty of perennials.
I applied that lesson to my huge flower pots and planted perennials in them this year.
There's beautiful hostas in the pots under the trees.
And fragrant lavender in the pots out back.
With perinnials in my pots I can enjoy their beauty this year and for years to come.
Heads Up

However, I didn't feel like cleaning up glitter
for days (or years) to come.
So I gave him a coat of sterling silver spray paint.

I coated him with silver glitter spray.

He has the look of glitter without all the mess.
A Side Porch: Before and After
as well as a nice place for the family to relax .

Just look at the detail.

Dollar Notes

Eggstra Special Centerpiece
almost didn't make the cut this year in my Easter decorating.

I decided to think inside the box.
I crammed it inside a vintage suitcase,
clipped off the painted criss-cross branches
and surrounded it with moss.

appearing to be newly hatched from their nest.

from looking like it was transported from an antique store.
Silver candlesticks and a tray would do the trick,
completed with cream colored candles.

an egg-stra special centerpiece
anchored by an item that I almost chose not to use.

but you don't have the same ingredients?
*If you don't have a vintage suitcase, try a basket, lunchbox, bowl, urn, pail, or even a cake stand. Any container will do.
*Substitute a bunny. Or simply scatter a few more eggs around the base.
*You don't have silver candlesticks? Any candlestick will work.
*If you don't like using candles in your decor, try topping the candlesticks with small nests or an egg with a little moss tucked underneath.
you can create it!
Architecture Adoration
>Beautiful architecture fascinates me! I would love to live in a charming old building full of magnificent moldings, tin ceilings, and leaded glass. But I don't. So I do the next best thing. I put architecture in my home by adding moldings where ever possible,
and collecting architectural pieces to use in my vignettes.
I've been infatuated with corbels for some time now. A corbel is a bracket generally used to support a cornice or arch.
I would love to find two gargantuan, old, chippy, crusty corbels! I would hang them under each end of the ceiling beam in my living room.
I've searched for huge corbels, but they always cost much more than my pocketbook will allow. In the meantime, to help fuel my fascination, I pick up almost any corbel I can find at the thrift store.
I was fortunate to find two more beauties recently. These are reproductions made from fiberglass. I'm not sure if I'll keep them this color, but I'll live with them a while before I decide if they need a makeover.
Originally I bought just one because the other one was damaged. But when I got it home and figured a place to put two of them, another trip to the thrift store was made. Luckily I was able to repair the damage, and now my recently acquired corbels hang proudly in the hallway.