How Does My Garden Grow
>We live in a zone 5 growing area. It's important to know your zones if you want to grow a nice garden. Being in a zone 5 means we need to wait until May to plant. If you plant your garden any sooner you risk the chance of a freeze that will mean you have to start over with your garden.
The last few years my garden hasn't been planted until June which makes for a short growing season. But this year, because I left town at the end of May I made sure to get my garden in early. And now I am reaping the benefits!
Green and Yellow ZucchiniCrook Neck SquashSpaghetti SquashEggplantCucumbersThe tomatoes should be ripening in a couple of weeks.I can't wait for BLT's. YUM!
There's even a watermelon.
There's even a watermelon.