Batik Besurek, Bengkulu Indonesia
>Indonesia is a nation of art a very rich culture. The number of ethnic groups
inhabiting the Indonesian region was increasingly enrich the national cultural treasure that stretched from Sabang to Merauke. The wealth of art and culture of the tribe the nation's economic potential saving very large when well developed and professionally.
One example is the wealth of art and culture is Besurek Bengkulu cloth. Traditional Cloth this one is none other than batik cloth indigenous peoples of the region of Bengkulu. Because, all the cloth-making process besurek exactly the same cloth-making process batik in Java. What distinguishes only motive or pattern and color selection on batik motives more or take the appropriate colors with artistic value local culture.
Literally, the word itself means Besurek write. Because of that, which is called with a cloth Besurek at first always associated with batik cloth. But nowadays many are also developing production activities Besurek cloth cap and Besurek printing.
Is Hj. Rosmani Adjis, the figure of a women entrepreneurs, who began pioneering
Bengkulu Besurek fabric development it. In the year 1968 Hj. Rosmani began to pioneer industrial development efforts Bengkulu Besurek fabric crafts from zero.
Armed with enthusiasm and knowledge / skills are passed on batik by down through generations, Hj. Ventured Rosmani open the business.

Islam to the region of Bengkulu. The influence of religion Islam is very obvious once the fabric Besurek Bengkulu. It can be seen from the number calligraphy motifs used in cloth-making when Besurek Bengkulu previous motif fabric Bengkulu Besurek more
dominated by motifs of flora and fauna, " said Hj. Rosmani.
Before the Islamic influence in, color which dominates the fabric Besurek Bengkulu
is generally black or blue color, red, red hearts, brown, yellow or yellowish. Besurek cloth with black or blue is usually used to cover bodies and closed coffin. Meanwhile, Besurek cloth with red, red liver, brown, yellow and yellowish usually
used for ceremonial purposes such as for the bride and the wedding.
According to Hj. Rosmani, arts crafts make cloth in the community Besurek
Bengkulu had experienced during vacuum during the decades old. Until finally around 1980 the Governor Bengkulu, Suprapto, promote re-art crafting fabric by raising Besurek re old motives.
One step taken Governor Suprapto in promoting the art of craft Besurek cloth in Bengkulu is to require all civil servants (PNS) to wear clothes from the cloth Besurek on working days given. Beyond expectations Governor taken steps Suprapto
was able to encourage the rise again Besurek cloth industry in Bengkulu. In fact, the perpetrators of the cloth industry began Besurek stimulated again to develop new motives.
New motifs are generally developed from two basic motives now characteristic of the fabric Besurek Bengkulu. Both types of basic motives are the motives of calligraphy and flower motifs Raflesia. One of the two types of basic motives are always there on almost any fabric Besurek Bengkulu.

by printing fabric factory on the island of Java on order designs and motifs from Hj. Rosmani.
"Previously we could have employs 25 people which is exactly in 2000. The number of employees was deliberately we cut the fabric on order Besurek We also experienced a decline. It happened because in Bengkulu itself more and more people jump Besurek cloth handicraft business. So, more and more new players in the industry this Besurek cloth, but for us it was not a problem, we are for-for rejekilah, "said Hj. Rosmani.
Besurek cloth-made products Hj. Rosmani well known among the people of Bengkulu.
In the market, cloth-made Besurek Hj. Rosmani sold with the brand 'Limura'. Hj.
Rosmani admitted until now marketing Besureknya cloth still limited in the region
Bengkulu. But at certain times there are many buyers who come from regions
Other Besurek fabric shopping.
Hj. Rosmani usually sells cloth with Besurek write a more expensive price than the Besurek fabric printing. As a comparison, one set of fabric printing Besurek usually sold for Rp 50,000 to Rp 75,000, while a write Besurek fabric made from silk material is sold at least USD 1.25 million.
Wira Jagad Art Shop
Desa Beleka, Kecamatan Praya Timur, Lombok Tengah, NTB,
HP.: 081933149676,
Fax.: (0370) 653795,