Wooden Drum "Cendana Arum"
>Penetrate the World Market
Drum is a product of familiar to communities anywhere in the world. Everyone knows that to produces a pleasant sound, drum should be beaten with a technique specific beat. Sound quality produced from the drum, of course determined by the quality of leather and wood which became the basic materials for it drum and how the process or the drum-making techniques.
The drum is a product of already commonplace known to the publicwide, but the uniqueness of this drum business a challenge and appeal separately for Hesti Wuri, a women entrepreneurs from Malang, Java East since 1997 switch business activities of the furniture industry to wood drum industry.
Arum Cendana CV, so Hesti handicraft business name drum the wood is. By utilizing wood Mahogany logs (round wood) and goat skin which is very easy obtained his workshop around located around Jl. S. Parman 35, RT 08, RW 03, Desa Sumberpucung, Malang, East Java. Hesti start efforts by the producing various sizes and types of wood drum and marketed to a number of
homeland areas. Hestipun diligent attending various exhibitions in the ground water starting from the special exhibition SME products to display international exhibitions such as Export Products Exhibition (PPE).
Hesti are housewives figure with two children who remained faithful handicraft business wrestle drum timber. Even many innovations in production techniques as well as in art value creation continues done. Blood was obtained business from parents who also wrestle furniture business and a chicken farm.
Glance wood products production drum Arum Cendana CV is not much different wooden drum with the other products that produced by craftsmen in wood drum ground water. Moreover, the name drum the shape is not much variation and its function is only so-so alone, is only for beating. But what really is Arum Cendana drum making become attractive and more desirable buyers, not just buyers from within country, but also buyers from foreign?
Product Arum Cendana wood drum is different from the product drum wood in general. For drum Arum Cendana wood in addition to having sound melodious when struck, also has a very attractive appearance and has a high artistic value. Thus, besides functioning as a drum, the product Hesti craft work is also serves as a work of art that can be used as a display or decoration interior of your home or office.
Uniqueness and value of wooden drum art Arum Cendana is located at the carvings (carving) and painting on wood drum body. There are two types of engraving main widely used in Arum Cendana drum-making, namely bas-relief and carved lines. Motif dipakaipun carving diverse, ranging from the dragon motif, marijuana, snakes and ethnic motives. Arum Cendana any receives orders from the buyer motives for wood drum ordered.
Assisted by 15 employees, Hesti now able to produce about 40 to 50 per month with a drum Mahogany wood needs log approximately 10 cubic meters per month. Wooden drum is now produced Arum Cendana teridiri of seven types drum sizes, ranging from drum by 15 cm diameter up to size 35 cm. However, Hesti also received an order for it wooden drum with a size suitable order buyers.
For marketing, Hesti now has three locations in the marketing country, which is a gallery in Jakarta (Sunter) and two marketing sites (gallery) in Bali. In addition to the three locations fixed marketing, Hesti also diligent in attending various exhibitions in ground water, including the follow PPE since 2002.
Interaction with foreign customers occurs through meeting in the galleries and in various exhibitions. Buyers foreign tourists visiting the booth or gallery Hesti generally always
Cendana drum product ordering Arum. There are even among buyers foreign countries that continue to maintain good relationship with the ordered on a regular basis, such as the performed by Magnum Impact of India. Indian companies who routinely exporting products to the American drum union and Jamaica had been some time to order a drum from Sandalwood Arum.
"Finally, Magnum Impact ordering 4.000 pieces of wood of the Sandalwood drum Arum orders worth around Rp. 200 million. The order we get when following the PPE exhibition in 2005, " Hesti said adding that besides buyers from India, a number of buyers from Other countries have also ordered Arum Cendana drum. They are buyers from Romania, Greece and Spanish.
Arum Cendana CV, so Hesti handicraft business name drum the wood is. By utilizing wood Mahogany logs (round wood) and goat skin which is very easy obtained his workshop around located around Jl. S. Parman 35, RT 08, RW 03, Desa Sumberpucung, Malang, East Java. Hesti start efforts by the producing various sizes and types of wood drum and marketed to a number of
homeland areas. Hestipun diligent attending various exhibitions in the ground water starting from the special exhibition SME products to display international exhibitions such as Export Products Exhibition (PPE).

Glance wood products production drum Arum Cendana CV is not much different wooden drum with the other products that produced by craftsmen in wood drum ground water. Moreover, the name drum the shape is not much variation and its function is only so-so alone, is only for beating. But what really is Arum Cendana drum making become attractive and more desirable buyers, not just buyers from within country, but also buyers from foreign?
Product Arum Cendana wood drum is different from the product drum wood in general. For drum Arum Cendana wood in addition to having sound melodious when struck, also has a very attractive appearance and has a high artistic value. Thus, besides functioning as a drum, the product Hesti craft work is also serves as a work of art that can be used as a display or decoration interior of your home or office.
Uniqueness and value of wooden drum art Arum Cendana is located at the carvings (carving) and painting on wood drum body. There are two types of engraving main widely used in Arum Cendana drum-making, namely bas-relief and carved lines. Motif dipakaipun carving diverse, ranging from the dragon motif, marijuana, snakes and ethnic motives. Arum Cendana any receives orders from the buyer motives for wood drum ordered.
Assisted by 15 employees, Hesti now able to produce about 40 to 50 per month with a drum Mahogany wood needs log approximately 10 cubic meters per month. Wooden drum is now produced Arum Cendana teridiri of seven types drum sizes, ranging from drum by 15 cm diameter up to size 35 cm. However, Hesti also received an order for it wooden drum with a size suitable order buyers.
For marketing, Hesti now has three locations in the marketing country, which is a gallery in Jakarta (Sunter) and two marketing sites (gallery) in Bali. In addition to the three locations fixed marketing, Hesti also diligent in attending various exhibitions in ground water, including the follow PPE since 2002.
Interaction with foreign customers occurs through meeting in the galleries and in various exhibitions. Buyers foreign tourists visiting the booth or gallery Hesti generally always
Cendana drum product ordering Arum. There are even among buyers foreign countries that continue to maintain good relationship with the ordered on a regular basis, such as the performed by Magnum Impact of India. Indian companies who routinely exporting products to the American drum union and Jamaica had been some time to order a drum from Sandalwood Arum.
"Finally, Magnum Impact ordering 4.000 pieces of wood of the Sandalwood drum Arum orders worth around Rp. 200 million. The order we get when following the PPE exhibition in 2005, " Hesti said adding that besides buyers from India, a number of buyers from Other countries have also ordered Arum Cendana drum. They are buyers from Romania, Greece and Spanish.