Woven Handicrafts from Lombok Island
>Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) which consists of the island of Lombok, Sumba and Sumbawa is part group of islands in the archipelago Nusa Tenggara is very rich in art
distinctive culture and unique. In addition to the ceremony known as a typical ancestral lands, West Nusa Tenggara province is also known to have great potential in the field of handicraft industry.
One of the handicraft products which are now typical of NTB were already widely known among lovers of art and craft products are woven Lombok handicrafts made from various types of raw materials such as bamboo, rattan and ate or keta (a kind of mountain grass). Mix between art woven bamboo crafts, rattan or a combined mountain grass with the wood material to produce a combination crafts of a very harmonious and beautiful.
Touch of dye is generally similar to the natural color of the component raw materials added to the beauty typical handicrafts Lombok Island, the province NTB's. No wonder that among crafts lovers and art is always after typical oven crafts Lombok Island, NTB's, both in the arena crafts exhibition and visit directly to the industrial centers of craft matting in NTB.

Murtimah claimed were involved in the field of woven handicraft industry typically Island Lombok NTB since 1998. But far before that, ie since 1988, Murtimah already engaged in handicraft industry that although when it was still working on others. Armed with the knowledge and experience while working for someone else That's as well as the business capital of basically, Murtimah began to open his business own in 1998 with the establishment production houses and art galleries Jagad Wira Shop.
Apparently, the business gradually craft goods industry shows very significant progress. Help working capital from banks begins to flow in line with the continued development of business crafts industry Murtimah property. The opportunity was not wasted by Murtimah. Funding assistance in the form of soft loans Bank Mandiri also he used for develop their business in order to grow greater.
Murtimah now been successfully produced about 350 models woven handicrafts. Murtimah sometimes also obtain manufacturing orders woven crafts from buyers with designs that have been made by the buyer. But not infrequently also buyers submit these design problems to Murtimah own.
However, most of production of woven crafts generally done dilakoni Murtimah order. Orders from Denpasar - Bali just a month to reach USD 100 million where every other day crafts woven artificial Murtimah sent from the island NTB Lombok to Bali.

Usually buyers from Malaysia to determine types of goods he would buy if made of woven bamboo, rattan or ate. But most buyers from Malaysia to order woven crafts made from bamboo. Apparently the buyer and woven crafts lovers in Malaysia more like woven from bamboo.
Murtimah with Jagad Wira an average capable of producing around 10,000 units of small craft each month. Whereas for measuring crafts large, approximately Murtimah able produced 1500 units per month. Materials for woven handicraft manufacturing were not generally difficult to obtain because the basic material for the manufacture of woven crafts is quite abundant in the region of NTB.
Various woven handicraft production Murtimah usually sold with price range between Rp 10,000 ( USD $ 1 )per unit up to Rp 250.000 ( USD $ 25 )per unit, depending on the size of the goods, models and materials.
Now, in addition to market their handicrafts matting produced from his workshop own, also market products Murtimah handicrafts produced by the craftsman wickerwork NTB area. Murtimah nurturing relationships with 10 vendors reservoirs, each of which subordinated about 40 people craftsman. Hence, through the network's efforts, successful Murtimah coordinate approximately 400 people craftsman matting in NTB. The craftsmen generally working on production activities craft until the goods had become a half-finished, while the completion stage (finishing) usually done by the
Wira company owned Murtimah Universe.
Wira Jagad Art Shop
Desa Beleka, Kecamatan Praya Timur, Lombok Tengah, NTB, Indonesia
e-mail: Hafidz.hafidz@gmail.com
HP.: 081933149676,
Fax.: (0370) 653795,
e-mail: wirajagad@yahoo.com.