Genta Guitar from Indonesia


Guitar is an instrument that has been very popular for all people in the world. Almost every member of society in any country anywhere in the world will easily recognize this one musical instrument. So the familiar guitar by the whole society, most citizens now no longer know where in fact the origin of the instrument. To be sure, the guitar is not a musical instrument indigenous / traditional Indonesian. Some experts estimate guitar music instrument originated from areas in Africa considering the many similarities with tardisional musical instrument in the region in addition to evidence of ancient heritage in Africa that shows a musical instrument similar to guitar.Some experts estimate the guitar other musical instrument that many people use today is the development of traditional Spanish guitar. 
Apart from the historical origins, the fact that nowadays the guitar has belonged to the entire world community. That is, the guitar has become part of human civilization throughout the world until there is no nation on earth who dared to claim such musical instruments as the exclusive property of the nation. That is, the guitar has now become a universal instrument that can be accepted, used and enjoyed by all mankind. For the people of Indonesia too, the guitar is not the instrument of foreign music. Guitar is so embedded in the everyday life of society. From a musical instrument that people can listen to the sound of music is very melodic and beautiful, even the strains of guitar music can be used to accompany songs or traditional songs though. The more memasyarakatnya guitar musical instrument among the people of the country were increasingly inviting certain members of the public interest to learn and try to produce the instruments. In line with the development of time the people of Indonesia are now not only able to enjoy the music and play it, but also capable of producing a guitar with a quality that is recognized and admired by other nations. That's more or less experienced Husni Nasution, a businessman guitar from Flower City Bandung. By combining the skills and knowledge in the arts of music and feet work, Husni produce guitars of "Genta" the quality of their products is now well known among the people in the homeland and abroad. Guitar brand "Bells" was first produced in 1959 in the town of Flower, Bandung by Husni Nasution, a land of immigrants from Batak, Medan, North Sumatra. Initially Husni only able to produce some units of guitars a year. Production was done manually by hand (hand made). Unexpectedly, guitar products made Husni much public interest. Even from year to year, demand continued to increase until the end to meet the demands of professionalism.

Husni founded the company with the name of PT Genta Trikarya. Over tens of years Husni build his guitar industry by continuously improving product quality, build production systems that are reliable and efficient, and build a wider marketing network. All efforts bore fruit Husni with the growing recognition Genta brand guitar product in the domestic market. Now not only the communities surrounding the city of Bandung and West Java who know the product Genta brand guitars, but guitar users, especially musicians and musicians in the country must recognize the guitar products. Appreciation of quality products Genta brand guitar did not just come from the musicians and musicians from the homeland. A number of musicians, musicians and business people from abroad got interested to cooperate with Husni in guitar manufacturing and marketing products in the global market. Al results, PT Genta Trikarya had for years exported to different countries guitars. Export guitar which still running is to England, Australia and Japan. Even before the global economic crisis, PT Genta Trikarya guitar also exports to the United States and China. Given his age who had enough information, Husni handed the baton to his son his guitar industry Nasution Cloud in the 1990s.Under the management of Cloud Nasution, PT Genta Trikarya growing by working on domestic and export markets. With the support of 80 employees, PT Genta Trikarya continues to grow its business. A variety of production equipment were upgraded which was originally only rely on the maker's hand skills, now replaced with modern production machinery such as lathes, wood penghalus machine, machine crabs, cutting machines and others. Currently, PT Genta Trikarya produces more than 100 units per month guitar consisting of acoustic guitar (about 80%) and electrical gittar (20%). But for export activity, all still in the form of an acoustic guitar according to the demand from overseas buyers.Every three months, PT Genta Trikarya exported more than 350 units of the guitar to many countries. Export orders or purchases by foreign buyers first time this has happened after PT Genta Trikarya followed a number of exhibitions abroad, namely in the Netherlands and the UK. Dar exhibition activities that companies get export orders after the potential buyers see for themselves the quality of products produced guitar PT Genta Trikarya. Currently, PT Genta Trikarya produce more than 20 types of guitars using three brands. One brand, which she dedicated to meet export orders, while the other two brands, namely Genta and Brunswick is devoted to the sale in local markets. Local content for guitar products marketed in the domestic market could reach 70% because most raw materials and components originating from within their own country. As for the guitar that exported products, local content ranges from 30% to 50%. This was because overseas customers are generally determine their own raw materials and components used to manufacture guitars orders. They generally want for certain raw materials and components originating from imported components such as for strings, pick-ups, strings player, sprus (wood for guitar bodies) and Rosette (ornament guitar). Regarding the price of his guitar alone product, PT Genta Trikarya set prices that vary depending on the type of guitar. Prices range from Rp 700,000 per unit for guitar type A-100, C-100 and F-80 up to Rp 5 million per unit for guitar type Babic.