The Klithik Puppet (Wayang Klithik)
Puppet Klithik first created by Prince Pekik, duke of Surabaya, made of leather and shaped small so it is more often called a puppet Krucil. Then in the development of Islam in Java, some Century 16-17. puppet klitik was created by Sunan Kudus. Puppet is called klitik since it implies SMALL (Klitik), which is made of wood flat (two dimensional). Klithik puppet has a handle made of wood. When making a sound stage "Klithik", of sound "Klithik" that also which believed to as the origin of any mention of the klithik puppet.In Central Java, klithik puppet has a shape similar to a puppet Gedog. The characters wear dodot rapekan, using Kris, and use headgear tekes (fan). In East Java the characters much resembling a Purwa puppets, The kings using crown and wear Praba. In Central Java, the figures king, wear Keling or Garuda Mungkur only.
The story used in the puppet klithik generally take from the time of Panji Kudalaleyan in Pajajaran until the time of King UB in Majapahit. However it possible, to the story Krucil puppet using story Menak puppet and Purwa puppet, even from the story land of Java though.
Gamelan who used to accompany the puppet show is very simple, and rhythmically-barreled slendro playon bangomati (srepegan). There are times when puppet klithik using large gending-gending.