The Sadat Puppet (Wayang Sadat)
The Sadat puppet created in 1985 by Suryadi Warnosuhardjo from the Mireng village . District Trucuk , a Mathematics teacher from School of Teacher Education Muhammadiyah (SGO), Klaten, Central Java. Material base from this puppet are of buffalo skin, and buffalo horn, and used for visualization with the atmosphere of Islamic boarding schools, but still use the base of Javanese culture. Form of his puppets Realistic, wearing robes, headgear such as turbans, so, different from other forms of shadow puppets other.In his show, The Nayaganya (pengrawit) wearing a white turban, and the opening is accompanied by "Bedug", as well as greeting with greeting "Assalamualaikum", and answered by the audience with a greeting too. The story is brought in the themed of Nine Guardians stories and tales spread of Islam in Java. The word comes from the word "Syahadattain Sadat".
The Mission of performance his show is Islamic proselytism, as well as an effort to continue the tradition of the Guardians, who ever on Sekatenan celebrations in the days of the Kingdom of Demak (lection "Syahadat" in bulk)