

Slendro or sometimes spelled as salendro is one of two scales of gamelan music. This scale is easier to understand than gamelan scale, another scale, since it is basically only five tones at a distance of almost the same in one octave. Therefore have a perfect fourth interval is more narrow, about 480 cents, in contrast with a wider interval pelog.

Name of  Slendro (in Java called of saléndro) as one genre of music etymologically refers to the name of one dynasty ancestral kingdom of Srivijaya (Dapunta Hyang Sri Jayanasa), namely  Syailendra. Slendro is one genre of music that is used and developed in the era of Sriwijaya Kingdom. Besides the capital city of Palembang as Srivijaya, slendro music also flourished in all kingdoms (region or regions) other who conquered by Srivijaya, including and especially in Java.
In subsequent developments, Slendro which was popularized by the descendants Dynasty Syailendra on the island of Java has developed much more rapidly than in his   territory own Srivijaya. In Java also descendants of dynasty Syailendra  for the support his ancestral of Srivijaya founded Borobudur Temple, which became one of the world's most magnificent Buddhist temple as well as one of the seven wonders of the world. Finally, the community in West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Bali is not only familiar with Slendro, but the music genre has been considered as belonging to them  besides from the genre of music Pelog. Now on Java and Bali are two kinds of music, namely slendro and pelog  played with a set of musical instruments called the gamelan, Slendro (and also pelog) including a music genre that scales were pentatonic melodies (seven-tone).
It's just that most of the thinkers and workers of art music in Java, considers the composition of tone Slendro agreed not to have tone fa [4] (Pat = Java language). That is, tone Slendro only consist of: do - re - mi - sol - la - the (1-2-3-5-6) or in Javanese language ji (Siji) - ro (loro) - lu (telu) - ma (five) - nem (enem). 
Rhythmic songs pelog or Slendro, can be played with using instruments western scales. Because still there are ways to ladder-tone system can be used to play western music with a ladder-local tone. The trick is simple, try using the tones (key), which approached the stairs-tone system, for instance Slendro. Suppose a set of gamelan, after the note was ringing tones (Do) very close to (C4). So we are looking stayed a other tones adjacent. Well the tones are used to play music gemelan. and  this is used in the ensemble campursari, where the orchestra consists of western instruments and instruments of the gamelan. Indeed, in here and there often audible a mismatch, but still there a comfort obtained.

But rhythmic songs pelog or Slendro, can't be played with using instruments western scales. Because the second interval of music systems (local and Western) are completely different. In fact, so far there is no agreement, even seems quite difficult, the standard frequency for the basic tone. In the tradition of gamelan, a set of gamelan with other gamelan set is the not necessarily or even no similarity of essentially tone, although the interval remains the same. There are many reasons behind this problem. Even so, Even so, the effort to create the basic tone is already long enough starts, especially in colleges of art in Indonesia.